Standardised Assessment

OT standardise assessments provide vital information about a client that can aid in developing the most successful and appropriate treatment plan. The results of the client’s evaluation can assist our occupational therapist in determining an area in which a client is having difficulties and what needs to be worked on and addressed in Occupational Therapy.

What are the purposes of occupational therapy assessments?

Occupational therapy evaluations focus on specific aspects of a client’s functioning and needs. Examples of such abilities are:

  • Fine motor skills.
  • Gross motor skills.
  • Visual perceptual skills.
  • Sensory integration.
  • Executive functioning.
  • Self-care skills.

An occupational therapy assessment will assist us in determining the following: –

  • If a client is having trouble in a certain area.
  • How the client’s difficulties may affect their participation in daily activities?
  • What degree of functioning does the client now have, The Baseline of the skill—and how does this compare to other clients of a similar age
  • Ways to assist the client in improving and mitigating their challenges.
  • Our therapy evaluations can take several forms. The therapist or the client can complete these assessments, or they might be based on an occupational therapist’s observation of the client. Some OT examinations require pen and paper, while others can be conducted or graded remotely.